
untying [ʌn'taɪɪŋ]

v. 松开,解开( untie的现在分词 ); 解除,使自由; 解决;


  • The tying of bow ties is an art; the untying is easy.
    打领带是一种艺术, 解领带则很容易.
  • As they were untying the colt , its owners asked them, " Why are you untying the colt ? "
    33他们解驴驹的时候, 主人问他们说, 解驴 驹 作 什么 ?
  • Some of the bystanders were saying to them , " What are you doing , untying the colt ? "
    可11:5在那里站著的人、有几个说 、 你们解驴 驹 作甚 麽 .
  • By untying and then retying their shoes for them?
  • Just in case untying the knot didn't make you feel guilty enough .
  • Crouching on the path, she started untying her trainers, dragging and clawing at the laces, as if she were going to wade in.