
untempered [ʌn'tempəd]

adj. 未经缓和的; 无节制的; 没有锻练的; 没有调和好的;


  • These...abhor murder, dishonesty...ruthless 'justice' untempered by mercy.
    来自A. N. Wilson
  • Overheating can result in tempered martensite ( OTM ) or untempered martensite ( UTM ) formations in the base metal.
    过热会造成在本体金属中形成过回火马氏体 ( OTM ) 或者欠回火马氏体 ( UTM ) .
  • The darkness within, where untempered passions lie.
    来自A. Tan
  • You can contribute biographical information for Bill Cole's Untempered Ensemble to Wikipedia, the user-contributed encyclopedia.