
unloving [ʌn'lʌvɪŋ]

adj. 无爱心的;


  • The overworked, overextended parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted.
  • There are blasphemous actions as well as blasphemous words: all unloving, cruel deeds acted blasphemy.
    有亵渎神圣的言辞,也有亵渎神圣的行为: 一切没有怜惜的 、 残酷的行为,实际都是亵渎神圣.
  • He had been angry and cruel, violent and unloving.
    他易怒、残忍 、 凶暴而又毫无爱心.
  • She certainly perceived her mother as remote, disapproving, impatient and unloving.
    来自C. G. Wolff