
uncoupling ['ʌn'kʌplɪŋ]

n. 拆开; 解钩; 解偶联; 退耦合;
v. 解开,分开( uncouple的现在分词 );


  • The purification of UCP - l ( Uncoupling protein - 1 ) from BAT ( brown adipose tissue ) of the tree shrew.
    中缅树?褐色脂肪组织解偶联蛋白质 -1 的纯化.
  • After uncoupling the cannon, its original crew mans it again.
    卸载火炮后, 火炮原来的操作手会下车重新操作它.
  • Recently, deep research on new methods of sludge reduction is concluded based on uncoupling and metabolic.
    近年来, 基于解耦联和化学氧化的污泥减量新方法得到了比较深入的研究.
  • Prior to this study, little was known about the function of fasting-induced uncoupling protein.