Agence France - Presse, Ulaanbaatar - Due to huge forest fires, dense smoke is covering Ulaanbaatar, state capital of Mongolia.
法新社乌兰巴托电)蒙古首都乌兰巴托因周边森林发生大火, 导致浓烟罩顶.
In this night, at Ulaanbaatar where it just rained, our adventure in Mongolia began.
就在这刚下过雨的夜晚, 我们抵达了乌兰巴托, 在蒙古的冒险,开始了.
We had driven southwest from Ulaanbaatar a trip of eleven hours.
By Sumati's estimate, Dashnyam currently had seven-per-cent support in Ulaanbaatar.
The table for Ulaanbaatar shows conditions over much of the country, but southern Mongolia receives even less rain.