

abbr. uniflora 单菌; used for 习惯用于; unfractionated 未被分馏; urea-formaldehyde 尿素-甲醛;


  • The origin of � � UF of automobile silicon rectifier diode is introduced here.
    介绍汽车硅整流二极管△UF的 由来,详细阐述实验中影响△UF值的各项因素及降低△UF的方法.
  • The second category of films is appropriate for nanofiltration ( NF ) and ultrafiltration ( UF ) systems.
    第二类是适合于钠滤 ( NF ) 和超滤 ( UF ) 体系的膜.
  • Adding different amount of urea - formaldehyde ( UF ) resin in phenolic ( PF ) resin, the combined adhesive was obtained.
    以酚醛树脂 ( PF ) 为基础,与不同加量的脲醛树脂 ( UF ) 复合, 形成一系列复合胶粘剂.
  • The process has to be repeated about 1, 400 times to get U-235 at a concentration of 3 percent of the UF-6.
  • D., a UF assistant professor of food science and human nutrition and a study co-author.
  • At UF, spring break has fallen on the same week as the presidential primary in three of the last four elections since 1992.