

abbr. utilizable crude protein 可利用粗蛋白质;


  • There were restriction enzyme sites of Smaand Sdu in UCP 3 gene of pigs.
    在猪UCP3片段中分别包含一个Sma和 Sdu酶切位点.
  • The purification of UCP - l ( Uncoupling protein - 1 ) from BAT ( brown adipose tissue ) of the tree shrew.
    中缅树?褐色脂肪组织解偶联蛋白质 -1 的纯化.
  • A little drop could be seen in TNF α and UCP 2 expression compared with NASH group ( P? 0.05 ).
    UCP2及TNFα表达水平与NASH组相比略低 ( P >0.05 ),无统计学意义.