
tx ['ti:'eks]

abbr. tax (ation) 税; tax(es) 税; taxation 征税; telex 电报;


  • I am an astrophysics student for the University of TX.
  • Pioneer TX - 9500 II - Clean , articulate sound. Lighter sonic presentation against the L - 02 T.
    57先锋的TX-9500干净而清爽的声音表现, 相对于建伍的L-02T声音表现较亮.
  • Most 100 BASE - TX and 1000 BASE - T devices support auto - negotiation, where they signal the speed and duplex to use.
    多数100BASE-TX和 1000BASE-T 设备支持自动协商特性, 即这些设备通过信号来协调要使用的速率和双工设置.
  • The enhancement mechanism of Ln quercetin binary system by TOPO ( TX 100 ) SDS was discussed.
    探讨了TOPO ( TX-100 ) -SDS对Ln-槲皮素二元体系的增敏机理.
  • Most cities, including Midland TX, require a parade permit.
  • We have kept our approach deliberately low cost and it's still somewhat pro-am rather than TX quality.