
twaddle [ˈtwɑ:dl]

n. 废话,蠢话,无聊话;
vi. 说废话;
过去式:: twaddled 过去分词:: twaddled 现在分词:: twaddling 第三人称单数:: twaddles


  • We should be inflicted with less...twaddle and useless verbosity.
    来自Macmillan's Magazine
  • For such views or criticisms, which are not based on thorough investigation, are nothing but ignorant twaddle.
    因为这种议论或批评, 没有经过周密调查, 不过是无知妄说.
  • Don't try to palm off that twaddle about the Cause to me.
  • This is all hopeless twaddle that I am saying about her.
  • Guided by...experience, and not by the twaddle of theorists.
    来自F. Treves
  • Georgie hated dinner parties;...people talked twaddle and wasted one's time.
    来自G. Daly