
turnkey [ˈtɜ:rnki:]

n. 狱吏; 监狱的看守; 总控钥匙; 牙钥;
复数:: turnkeys


  • During this melancholy pause , the turnkey read his newspaper with a waggish look.
    在这个忧郁的停歇期间, 看守滑稽地阅读着报纸.
  • The turnkey fired the little pile, which blazed high and hot.
    看守点燃了这堆东西, 火苗蹿得很高,也很热.
  • You are a turnkey at the Conciergerie? "
    你在附属监狱管牢房么? ”
  • The new profile offers customers a turnkey CGL registered platform.
  • Everyone in Dickens is either a jailer or a prisoner, and some, like Dickens himself, are both: the author, his own turnkey.
  • If we'd bought a turnkey brewhouse for three hundred thousand dollars, I have no doubt in my mind that we would have gone bust.