
transsexualism [trænzsekʃʊr'lɪzəm]

释义 有易性癖,改变性别;


  • Transsexualism is a severe gender dysphoria, for which transsexual operation is an important therapy.
    易性病是一种心理障碍性疾病, 变性手术是易性病的重要治疗方法.
  • Methods The 32 female transsexualism and the 32 normal female are tested with MMPI.
    方法对32例女性易性症患者和32例正常女性进行了明尼苏达多项人格(MMPI) 测验.
  • As far as we know, transsexualism has always existed in all parts of the world.
    据我们所知, 易性癖在世界上所有的地区都始终是存在的.