
townsman ['taʊnzmən]

n. 城市居民,市民,同城市的市民;
复数:: townsmen
[反义词] 都市居民: countryman


  • Now I have a bailiff, a townsman ; he seems a practical fellow.
    我现在用的总管是个城里人, 看起来倒是个很能干的小伙子.
  • " I've the honour to be a fellow - townsman of yours. "
    “ 和三先生是同乡. ”
  • " It behoves him well if he be still in life, " responded the townsman.
    “ 要是他还活着,是该由他来办的, ” 那镇上人附和着说.
  • Every townsman could claim to be tried by his fellow-townsman.
    来自J. R. Green
  • By the time he became a lawyer, in his fifties, he was a respectable bourgeois townsman.