
tov ['toʊv]

释义 [医][=thrombosed oral varix]口腔血栓形成性静脉曲张;


  • Same as a solid violet, except with the TOV veiling.
    同样作为一个坚实的紫罗兰, 除了与圣面纱.
  • The working principle, instrument characteristics, instrument structure and installation of TOV viscosimeter were introduced.
    介绍了TOV黏度计的工作原理, 仪器特点和仪器结构.
  • If time is money, mazel tov - you are now a rich man.
    如果时间是金钱, 阿弥托福 - 你现在就是富翁.
  • "I have realised that dance is about co-ordination and energy between two people, whether female or male, " Tov said.