
tonsure [ˈtɑ:nʃə(r)]

n. 剪发,头顶剃光的部分,削发式;
vt. 剃;
过去式:: tonsured 过去分词:: tonsured 现在分词:: tonsuring 第三人称单数:: tonsures


  • The ferule is used for conversion , tonsure, ordination and parlance.
    戒尺用于皈依、剃度 、 传戒、说法等场合.
  • Before the tonsure, you to wash send?
    剪发前你需要洗发 吗 ?
  • Before long, she saw through the emptiness of the material world and took tonsure.
    没过多久, 她也看破红尘,削发为尼了.