

abbr. temporomandibular joint 颞颌关节,下颌关节;


  • For example, temporomandibular [ jaw ] pain, or TMJ, is highest in the premenstrual period and during menses.
    例如说, 颞下颌 [ 下巴 ] 痛(TMJ),在月经前和月经中痛感最强.
  • For the study, researchers at the Uniersity of Texas the cost - effectiveness of biopsychosocial therapy for TMJ.
    在这项研究中, 德克萨斯大学的研究人员测算了TMJ生物心理社会学治疗效果的花费.
  • It is beneficial to maintain the health of TMJ, muscle and periodontal tissue.
    对维持TMJ 、 肌肉、牙周等组织的健康是有益的.