
tikka [ˈtɪkə]

n. (源自印地语)切成小块的肉,通常用调味汁浸泡后烤炙而成; 叶斑;


  • Many Anglo - Indian hybrid dishes , curries , have been created such as chicken tikka masala and balti.
    英国还有许多英 裔 印度人制作的菜肴和咖喱, 例如马沙拉咖喱鸡和巴蒂.
  • Surely not. In the popular imagination, the world's largest democracy evokes Gandhi, Bollywood, and chicken tikka.
    在人们的想像中, 这个世界上人口最多的民主国家使人联想到甘地 、 宝莱坞和咖喱鸡.
  • Tikka Shatrujit Singh, an adviser to Louis Vuitton in India, said he hoped the fashion house's boutique would reopen within days.
  • The only thing most restaurant-goers call for once they've mopped up the last of the chicken tikka masala is the bill.
  • Subway offers five types of non-meat sub, compared with two in the UK, and KFC serves a Paneer Tikka wrap alongside French fries.