

n. 上部结构,上层建筑( superstructure的名词复数 ); (建筑物、船等的)上面部分;


  • Manufacturers of the early 1900 s were using steel pipe, angle or channel for the greenhouse superstructures.
    二十世纪初期制造商们就已用钢管 、 角铁以及槽钢之类的材料建造温室的上部结构.
  • Ships, Offshore and Marine Strutures : Above and below - water hull areas; Decks and superstructures; Multi - purpose repair coating.
    船舶 、 海上和船舶结构: 水上和水下船壳部位; 甲板和上层建筑; 多功能维修用涂料.
  • Without any superstructures of distillation system, the feasible region could be looked for automatically.
    在不必给定精馏系统超结构的情况下, 能够完成可行域的自动搜寻.
  • You exist in a half-world suspended between two superstructures, one self-expression and the other self-destruction.