
succour [ˈsʌkɚ]

n. 救助,帮助(尤指需要时);
vt. 给予帮助;
复数:: succours 过去式:: succoured 过去分词:: succoured 现在分词:: succouring 第三人称单数:: succours


  • Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners.
  • The speediest succour might avail to the preservation of his life.
  • Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal promised security and succour to those in need.
    富兰克林-罗斯福总统的 “ 新政”许诺给予有需要的人以安全和帮助.
  • At a critical moment...providential succour arrived from an English fleet.
    来自W. S. Churchill
  • When any of us was sick...the rest rushed to succour them.
    来自M. Forster
  • Paul's first impulse was to fly to the succour of his Roman brethren.
    来自F. W. Farrar