
stirrings ['stɜ:ɪŋz]

n. (感情、想法或发展的)开始( stirring的名词复数 ); 出现; 萌动; 酝酿;


  • He wonders, feels the stirrings of deeper urge.
    他心里有些纳闷, 觉得有个隐蔽在深处的欲望微微一动.
  • Is Beijing peeved that there are new stirrings in US - Russia relations?
    北京被惹恼在美俄关系上有新的转机 吗 ?
  • You be downright psychic over the moon September 4. Take seriously any stirrings you pick up.
    你会在身心上都很确切地感受到4号满月带来的影响. 对任何行动都多加小心.
  • A reflection of the deeper stirrings in Polish society.
    来自Sunday Times
  • Nobody writes as well about the stirrings of elderly loins.
  • There are definitely stirrings of change in Malaysia.