
stencilling [sten'səlɪŋ]

v. 用模板印(文字或图案)( stencil的现在分词 ); 型版;


  • Never mind the unflattering dress; it's impossible to say where Zara's fascinator ends and the wall-stencilling begins.
  • Stencilling, for example, was once a favorite decorative medium for house floors and walls.
    譬如模板印刷, 人们曾喜欢将该技术用于装饰地板和墙面.
  • The second phase, known as Synthetic Cubism, used more decorative shapes, stencilling, collage, and brighter colors.
    在第二个阶段, 它被称为合成立体主义, 画中运用了许多装饰性的形状, 并使用了模板印刷, 拼贴法, 和更明亮的色彩.
  • But it's as vital and exciting as the stencilling of Banksy, the daubings of Peter Doig or the vases of Grayson Perry.