

abbr. stratum super stratum (Latin=layer upon layer) (拉丁语)层叠; specific soluble substance 特异性可溶性物质; single-screw ship 单螺旋桨船; sterile saline soak 无茵盐水浸泡;


  • She saw her life as spatial, not temporal.sss sssH. Moore
    来自A. Livingstone
  • SSS patients received AAI , DDD or VVI mode pacemakers werefollowed - up in out - patient clinic.
    门诊随访132例 置 入不同模式起搏器的SSS患者.
  • SSS will tell us how global precipitation, evaporation, and the water cycle is changing.
    SSS将告诉我们全球的降水 、 水分蒸发已经水循环的变化都是如何进行的.
  • Global SSS patterns are governed by geographic differences in the " water budget. "
    在 “ 水分平衡 ” 中,全球SSS分布由地理上的差异而决定.
  • None of these thises and thats...are the 'loved one.'sss sssBrowning
    来自R. Harries
  • One doll lay with her head to the side.sss sssB. Keaton
    来自L. Ellmann