
spo [s'poʊ]

abbr. sausages; potatoes; and onions (英俚)(专售香肠,洋芋,洋葱的)经济饭馆; solid-propellant operations 用固体推进剂推动;


  • In both groups, BP, HR , SpO 2 , and RR were monitored.
    两组病人监测血压(BP) 、 心率(HR) 、 血氧饱和度(SpO2)和呼吸频率(RR).
  • HR, SP, DP, MAP, SpO 2 and VAS of each patient before and after induce were recorded.
    分别记录两组患者在诱导前、诱导后的HR 、 SP 、 DP 、 MAP 、 SpO2的变化和VAS评分.
  • A sliding mode perturbation observer ( SPO ) was designed for linearization of robot manipulators.
    为机械手线性化和随 动控制 设计了一种滑动模态扰动观测器.
  • SPO leader Werner Faymann becomes chancellor.
  • I've been able to keep my cool and try to tell Spo, 'Let's not worry about it too much,' but it is getting to me a little bit.