
songbook [ˈsɔ:ŋbʊk]

n. 歌谣集,歌集; 歌本;


  • Songbook includes melody line with lyrics , guitar chords , and complete transparencies.
    是教会敬拜,短歌, 团契, 和个人的最佳选择.
  • This new songbook was especially designed for ease of use in smallgroup meetings, fellowship and church.
    其中含诗歌旋律、吉他和弦及投影片,以圈页装订,首创以专辑、字数、字母、笔划、和弦编排,精致实用, 携带搜寻方便.
  • In 2002, while rummaging around my bookcase I came across my old copy of the songbook.
    2002年的时候, 在一次偶然的情况下我乱翻我的书柜,竟然翻到了当年我的那本音乐集.
  • Once more, the songs are mostly vintage pieces from the Great Cuban Songbook.
  • His rendition of "I Feel Fine" marks a return to The Beatles songbook.
  • The group's most recent album, "The Chick Corea Songbook," draws on the work of the great pianist and composer.