
soleus ['soʊli:əs]

n. 比目鱼肌(指小腿后面的一块扁平肌肉);
复数:: solei


  • Muscles examined included soleus ( SOL ), medial grastrocnemius ( MG ), lateral grastrocnemius ( LG ) and extensor digitorum longus ( EDL ).
    4wk后,取大鼠比目鱼肌 ( SOL ) 、 腓肠肌内侧头 ( MG ) 及外侧头 ( LG ) 与趾长伸肌 ( EDL ),并称其湿重.
  • Objective To study changes in ultrastructure of soleus muscle spindle induced by simulated weightlessness in rats.
  • The soleus originates the upper tibia and fibula, then the calf to attach to the heel.
    比目鱼肌起自胫骨和腓骨的上部, 然后沿着小腿一直到脚后跟.