Yahoo of the US and Japan's Softbank are among the largest shareholders of Alibaba's unlisted parent.
阿里巴巴未上市母公司的最大股东中,包括美国的雅虎(Yahoo) 和日本的软银(Softbank).阿里巴巴母公司并未上市.
Once's third - biggest audit firm, it used to count Sony, Toyota and Softbank among its clients.
它一度成为日本第三大审计公司, 在其客户群中,索尼(Sony)、丰田(Toyota) 、 软银(softbank)都是由它结算的.
Lines were forming Thursday at Apple stores and Softbank outlets in Tokyo.
When the bubble burst, Softbank's shares plunged.
Softbank had invested in Terabeam and Mr. Fisher has served on the board.
Son interrupted him, saying he should take a big investment from Softbank as well.