
simulacrum [ˌsɪmjəˈlekrəm, -ˈlækrəm]

n. 像; 影; 幻影; 模拟物;
复数:: simulacra simulacrums


  • Baudrillard Shit is no longer possible, only the simulacrum of shit.
    布西亚:大便已经不可能了, 只剩下大便的拟像.
  • Its intersubjectivity, simulacrum, and virtual experience have a new theoretic character.
    它的审美交互主体性 、 像审美客体和虚拟体验审美心理都有着全新的理论特征.
  • The low - melting - point Sn - Pb - Bi alloy was used as simulacrum to investigate the distortion of meniscus.
  • Removed her as she died, leaving this waxy simulacrum in her place.
    来自R. Scruton
  • I'd say we've created a pretty fair simulacrum of prosperity, but that's not the same as the real deal.
  • He is a tailor, working his fingers off in the service of couture, or, rather, of its speedy, backroom simulacrum.