
sikkim [ˈsɪkɪm]

n. (国名)锡金;


  • Then they decided to leave for Bhutan, then from Bhutan to Sikkim.
    于是众等决定前往不丹, 再从不丹转往锡金.
  • Until now, China had never recognised India's 1975 annexation of Sikkim.
    直到今天, 中国才承认1975年印度与锡金的合并.
  • In 1975, the Indian army had dissolved Sikkim King's palace armed escort, then putunder house arrest.
    1975年, 印度军队解散锡金国王的宫廷卫队, 软禁了锡金国王.
  • Sikkim has a range of climate which varies with altitude as described for Nepal.
  • June - China, India reach de facto agreement over status of Tibet and Sikkim in landmark cross-border trade agreement.
  • On the house in Sikkim Street Mr Biswas owed, and had been owing for four years, three thousand dollars.