
sigil ['sɪdʒəl]

n. 图章; 印记; 魔符; 魔诀;


  • See, Sigil's also called the citys of Doors.
    看吧, 西吉尔也被称为门户之城.
  • Maybe the fiend lords can't enter Sigil, but their agents, proxies, and sympathizers are there.
    也许恶魔领主们至今还无法进入印记城, 但是它们的密探 、 代理人和支持者们却云集于此.
  • The Guvners think she created Sigil, while Ciphers wonder if it's all her dream.
    管理者认为是痛苦女士创建了印记城, 而密韵者则怀疑这一切都只是痛苦女士的梦境.