
sertraline ['sɜ:trəlaɪn]

释义 舍曲林;


  • OBJECTIVE : To compare the efficacy and side effects of sertraline and clomipramine in treatment of OCD.
    目的: 比较舍曲林和氯丙咪嗪治疗强迫症的疗效和不良反应.
  • Sertraline hydrochloride is an antidepressant with permanence of effect and less side - effect .
    盐酸舍曲林是一种 长效 、作用少的抗抑郁剂.
  • Objective : To investigate the compliance and relapse rate of senile depressive patients treated with sertraline.
    目的: 探讨舍曲林治疗老年抑郁症的长期依从性、复发率.
  • I thought sertraline would perhaps produce the least side effects.
  • She was prescribed sertraline, an antidepressant she was assured was compatible with breast-feeding.
  • At age 10, Alissa began seeing a therapist and starting taking sertraline, an antidepressant that's commonly prescribed for OCD.