
scalping ['skælpɪŋ]

n. 剥头皮,刮[剥]光;
v. 剥去…的头皮( scalp的现在分词 ); 转手倒卖以牟利;


  • He was trying to pick up some cash scalping tickets.
  • Slipping past the frontier towns, they were scalping and killing whole families.
    他们窜过边界上的村镇, 剥人头皮,把一家一家人杀死.
  • We do not believe in scalping, nor in killing wounded men.
    我们不赞成剥头皮, 也不赞成杀害伤员.
  • There have been new laws adopted against scalping on prices.
  • The noble savage, on investigation, turns out to be a barbaric creature with a club and scalping knife.
    来自H. J. Laski
  • Then you know where to tread and where you can slide a shovel without scalping some plant huddled in the dark.