
rumple [ˈrʌmpəl]

vt.& vi. 弄皱,使凌乱;
n. 褶纹,皱褶;
过去式:: rumpled 过去分词:: rumpled 现在分词:: rumpling 第三人称单数:: rumples
[同义词] 弄皱;弄得乱七八糟: crumple dishevel wrinkle muss crease crush up


  • I leaned forward to rumple his hair, but he jerked out of the way.
  • Besides, he would tug at the ribbons of her bonnet and, no doubt, rumple her dress.
    此外, 他还拉扯她帽子上的饰带, 当然也会弄皱她的衣裙.
  • You mustn't play in your new skirt, you'll rumple it.
    你千万不要穿着新裙子去玩耍, 你会把它弄皱的.
  • Rumple the aluminum such that the marked corners stay together and are visible in one spot.
  • Dylan returned to perform comic monologues in the voice of characters such as Rumple Billy Burp, Elvis Bickel, and Frog Rugster.