

abbr. Rocket Research Institute 火箭研究所;


  • Objective To study the relationship between recurrent respiratory infection ( RRI ) and gastroesophageal reflux ( GER ) in children.
    目的 探讨小儿反复呼吸道感染 ( RRI ) 与胃食管返流 ( GER ) 的关系.
  • And the overall accuracy of RRI, MLC and ANN were 87.08 % , 75.83 % and 79.17 %, respectively.
    RRI法城镇提取精度比最大似然监督分类法和神经网络分类法的精度都要高,三者的总体精度分布为:87.08%, 75.83%和79.17%.
  • Aim : To investigate therapy methods for children With recurrent respiratory tract infection ( RRI ).
    目的: 探讨治疗反复呼吸道感染 ( RRI ) 的方法.
  • Twelve radio stations in Banda Aceh were either damaged or destroyed, including local Indonesian state radio RRI.