
riverine [ˈrɪvəˌraɪn, -ˌrin]

adj. 河的,河流的,河边的;


  • Where in this riverine city could one fully sense a riverbank?
  • People have water riverine accompaniment, the more the more strong stem.
    河岸的人们有了流水的伴奏, 越干越有劲.
  • The riverine carbon transport is closely related to the processes of terrestrial erosion - deposition.
    摘要河流碳输移与陆地侵蚀 - 沉积过程紧密相关.
  • The southern African python occurs in open savannah, riverine scrub and rocky areas.
    辽阔的非洲稀树草原, 溪流边的灌木丛中,以及多岩石地带,都是南非蟒经常出没的地方.