

v. 对…感到愤怒( resent的现在分词 );


  • Men...dissident...in other respects, were agreed in resenting these impediments.
    来自J. R. Lowell
  • Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.
    我决不憎恨这种教育,相反, 我十分高兴对它加以利用.
  • " I've been sick, I told you, " he said, peevishly, almost resenting her excessive pity.
    “ 我生了一场病, 我告诉过你了, " 他没好气地说, 对她的过分怜悯几乎产生了怨恨.
  • Instead of resenting or answering the simple but natural appeal of Hist, he walked away.
    对希斯特直率真诚的谴责,他既没有反驳,也不作任何回答, 而是走开了.
  • Resenting...women who successfully took care of their children.
    来自M. Gordon
  • I'm too busy resenting what they do to sport.