
reiterative [ri:'ɪtəˌreɪtɪv]

adj. 反复说的,重申的;
n. 反复语;


  • Moving - coordinate reiterative method is used for non - linear finite analysis of BHA.
    把动坐标迭代法应用于下部钻具组合(BHA)的 非线性 有限元分析.
  • In Chinese classical poetry, the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods.
    叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事 、 状物、摹声.
  • From semantic perspective. word reiterative brings increase. decrease and weakening to meanings.
    从语义角度来看. 重叠引起意义的增加. 减少或减弱.