
reinterpret [ˌri:ɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt]

vt. 重新解释;


  • If you do not protect it, He will reinterpret it.
    只要你不袒护它, 祂就会为你重新诠释.
  • A mix of decorative expressions of different ages , decoration , stucco and porcelain, suggestions to reinterpret.
    用各类各样的扮饰抒发差别的春秋, 扮饰品 、 粉刷、青瓷, 从头诠释的细微迹象.
  • The best part is to see Jackie reinterpret drunken fist , and li agile and violently against.
    最棒的部分是能再次看到成龙重新诠释醉拳, 和李连杰利落又猛烈地过招.
  • The best tribute albums radically reinterpret the originals or highlight little-known gems; this does neither.
  • Lyrically, Farrar continues to reinterpret the myth of America, as he did in his former group, Uncle Tupelo.