

释义 [医][=radiation-induced brachial plexopathy]辐射诱发臂丛病;


  • Methods : Urinary transferrin ( TRF ) ? retinol - binding protein ( RBP ) and alphl - microglobulin ( A 1 M ) were determined with enzyme - linked immunosorbent assays.
    方法   采用酶联免疫吸附法测定尿中转铁蛋白 ( TRF ) 、微量白蛋白(mALB) 、视黄醇结合蛋白 ( RBP ) 和α微球蛋白 ( A1M ).
  • The contents of the plasma ET, Bun, Cr and urine NAG, RBP, α1 - MG and � � - GTP were determined.
    两组病人分别与麻醉前 、 手术后24h、48h、 72h检测 血浆内皮素 、 尿素氮、肌酐含量和尿NAG 、 RBP 、 α1-MG、γ-GTP含量.
  • Objective : To investigate the significance of determination of retinal binding protein ( RBP ) in patients with pyelonephritis.
    目的: 探索尿视黄醇结合蛋白 ( RBP ) 在肾盂肾炎患者诊疗中的临床意义.