Yet to obsess over credit was to misunderstand oma, Ramus explained.
The cysts are most often seen in the mandibular ramus or angle.
According tothe anatomic findings, when the nee - dle is inserted vertically for 4 - 5 cm , it could reach the dorsal ramus.
结合冷冻腰神经后支止痛术式, 按本文提供的表面投影数据,垂直刺入4 ~ 5cm, 即能贴近各腰神经的后支.
Most of the lesion are on the molar region, body and ascending ramus.
下颔骨的好发部位则依序为臼齿区域, 下颔体部及枝部.
Joshua Ramus eventually told me that the loop was the inspiration of a project architect named Fernando Donis.