

abbr. quick-freezing 速冻(技术); quick frozen 速冻的; quick-freeze 快速冻结; quench frequency 歇振频率;


  • Always say QF is gotten run the market. Explain specificly.
    总说QF领跑市场. 具体的解释一下.
  • Objective : To research on the prenatal diagnosis of the unusual chromosome disease with QF - PCR .
    目的应用基因组学的相关技术QF -PCR,进行染色体异常疾病的产前诊断.
  • Like these Q - planes, a QF - 16 could be piloted from the ground or from the cockpit.
    跟这些Q系列的飞机一样, QF -16 可以从地面或者是座舱里驾驶.