
privatize [ˈpraɪvəˌtaɪz]

vt. 使私有化; 使归私有; “privatism”的派生;
复数:: privatizes 过去式:: privatized 过去分词:: privatized 现在分词:: privatizing 第三人称单数:: privatizes


  • Free - market reforms have moved governments everywhere to downsize, deregulate, and privatize.
    自由市场改革正促使各地政府缩小规模, 解除管制, 搞私有化.
  • The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
  • The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge . They'll all be privatised soon.
    政府声称只打算把一两条铁路线私有化, 可是我觉得这只是个开头,很快所有的铁路都会私有化.