
privateer [ˌpraɪvəˈtɪr]

n. (战时特准攻击敌方商船的)武装民船,私掠船; 私掠船船长; 私掠船船员;
释义 私掠巡航;
复数:: privateers 过去式:: privateered 过去分词:: privateered 现在分词:: privateering 第三人称单数:: privateers


  • I hear the captain has already served the Crown as a privateer.
  • Privateer: Privately owned vessel a state at war to attack enemy ships, usually merchant vessels.
    武装民船: 为交战国征用以攻击敌方船只(常是商船)的私有武装船只.
  • That's a Netherlander privateer. You're a heretic Dutchman. You're pirates. God have mercy on you!
    那船是一艘尼德兰海盗船. 你是个荷兰异教徒. 你们是海盗. 愿上帝宽恕你们!
  • He returned to England with a cargo of Spanish treasure and a reputation as a brilliant privateer.
  • Civil War at Sea The schooner S. J. Waring, which had been captured by the privateer Jeff.