
prate [pret]

vi. (古时用语)唠叨,啰唆;
过去式:: prated 过去分词:: prated 现在分词:: prating 第三人称单数:: prates


  • If the hen does not prate, she will not lay.
  • Pen walked on, listening to his companion's prate, wondering, amused, and puzzled.
    潘一路走去, 听他同伴喋喋不休, 觉得又惊讶有趣, 又有些困惑不解.
  • Those who prate about marriage as an emancipation for a woman.
    来自A. S. Neill
  • Prate not to me of suicide.
    来自Stevie Smith
  • What he cannot do, however, is write down what they spout for the grade, then prate about knowing the Truth.