
phreatic [frɪ'ætɪk]

adj. (水)潜水层的; 地下水的; (火山喷发或爆发)由地下水汽化所引起的; 由地下水膨胀所引起的;


  • Bisa Passage...enters 150ft...of phreatic passage which could possibly re-enter the main streamway.
    来自Caves Caving
  • The variation characteristics of shallow confined groundwater are similar with phreatic water.
  • At present, the pollution of phreatic water is also very serious.
    目前, 浅层地下水的污染也十分严重.
  • What what she hears of is, father dies at phreatic water accident in Xiyatu.
    她所听说的是, 父亲在西雅图死于潜水事故.