
pharmaceutics [ˌfɑ:mə'sju:tɪks]

n. 配药学,制药学; 药物学;


  • It is combined with nano - technique, light - purge technique, catalyzation, pharmaceutics and biochemistry.
    它是融 纳米 技术 、 光技术净化、触酶(催化) 、 药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术 、 新方法.
  • Education background of medicine, pharmaceutics and biology . Bachelor degree or above.
    具备医学 、 药学或生物学背景.
  • Credit : The minimum requirement for Bachelor of Science in Bio - pharmaceutics: 160 credits.
    学分: 毕业获得学位最低学分要求必须修满160学分.
  • D. degree in Pharmaceutics with sufficient expertise in drug delivery and nanotechnology.