

n. 人,(尤指)要人,名人( personage的名词复数 ); 显贵;


  • It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.
  • Her one baby - voice served a multitude of imaginary personages, old and young, to talk withal.
    她用自己一人的童音扮作想象中的形形色色 、 老老少少的角色相互交谈.
  • Amongst the bridal train , the two most noticeable personages were the youthful bridesmen.
    在结婚仪式的行列中, 最引人注意的人物是那两个年轻男傧相.
  • It is surprising how soon historical personages become invested with romantic attributes.
    来自T. Wright
  • It was a grand...home life, with coming and going of high military personages.
    来自A. Livingstone
  • The bunting may hang somewhat damply across the streets, royal personages may have to wave and smile a little grimly .