
passivator ['pæsɪveɪtə]

n. 钝化剂,减活剂;


  • The performance of T 581 , a benzotriazole type multifunctional metal passivator, in lube oil was investigated.
    研究了苯三唑型 T581 多功能金属减活剂在润滑油中的使用性能.
  • The hot strength of coke can be improved by spraying passivator on the surface of coke.
  • Rormula of pretreatment, composition of phosphating liquid and selection of passivator in after - treatment are described mainly.
    主要介绍磷化前处理配方 、 磷化处理磷化液的成份及磷化 后处理 钝化剂的选择.