

释义 巴门尼德(公元前5世纪希腊哲学家);


  • The theses of Parmenides are expressly said to follow the method of Zeno.
    来自B. Jowett
  • Parmenides responded: lightness is positive, weight negative.
    巴门尼德回答说: 轻乃正, 重乃负.
  • Parmenides One big, finite, round, motionless, continuous shit.
    帕门尼德斯:一个大的, 有限的, 圆的, 不动的, 连续的大便.
  • Asas the fifth century B . C , Parmenides of Elea declared that the earth was a sphere.
    早在公元前五世纪,E · 帕尔梅尼泽就宣布地球是球形体.