
pansy ['pænzɪ]

n. 三色紫罗兰,脂粉气男子,同性恋男子;
复数:: pansies


  • Pansy was really a blank page , a pure white surface.
    帕茜实在是一张白纸, 毫无瑕疵.
  • My brother - in - law is just a pansy because he is a mother's boy.
    我的 姐夫 娘娘腔,因为他是饱受母亲溺爱的娇生儿.
  • Pansy's a little dusty, a little dishevelled.
    帕西已有一点粗俗, 有一点憔悴了.
  • Pansy Yau is the deputy chief economist of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
  • Pansy, Viola; the cheery face of the pansy is a popular choice for an abundance of both summer and winter colour.
  • Pansy Yau, deputy chief economist of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, says Chinese exports have stayed strong since then.