
outboard [ˈaʊtbɔ:rd]

adj. 船外的,舷外的; (飞机)外侧的;
adv. 向船外,向舷外; (在飞机)紧靠翼尖处;
[反义词] 船外地;船侧地: inboard


  • A position about 1 ft outboard of the left fuel selector.
    来自Pilots International
  • Four nozzles , canted outboard, split the exhaust of the solid rocket motor into four equal tails.
  • They use speedboats with very powerful outboard motors to approach their target.
  • Some cars came through, towing small boats and big outboard motors on trailers.
    有些汽车开过, 拖车上装着小游艇和挺大的外装马达.
  • Since imported outboard engine is applied, This yacht has stable performance.
    本艇使用进口舷外机作为推进系统, 性能稳定.
  • The door mirrors were...not positioned far enough outboard.
    来自Which Motorcaravan