
ordinance [ˈɔ:rdɪnəns]

n. 条例,法令; 传统的风俗习惯; [宗]仪式,(尤指)圣餐式;
复数:: ordinances


  • The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9 th, 1931.
    法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的, 这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上, 日期是1931年3月9日.
  • Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
  • South Carolina passed an " ordinance of secession ", and prepared for war.
    南卡罗来纳州通过了 “ 脱离联邦法令 ”, 准备打仗.
  • If the bill is not passed, the ordinance will lapse.
  • Last month, India's government introduced new rape laws in an ordinance.
  • If you would consider the true cause...Why all these things change from their ordinance.
    来自Julius Caesar,Shakespeare